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Buildings insurance: View single application (on email)

Application summary

Primary applicant
First name Last name Email address Phone number Address
Shemika Jackson 2163945142 8191 Broadview
United States
Additional applicants
Name Email address Phone number
Property owners
Name Address City State ZIP
Easy Cleveland LLC 988 Nathaniel Cleveland OH 44110
Easy Cleveland LLC 12704 Harvard Ave Cleveland OH 44105
No. Address City County State ZIP Property Owner Property Type No of Units Construction Elec Type Roof Age Size Built
1 988 Nathaniel Road Cleveland Cuyahoga County OH 44110 Easy Cleveland LLC Residential (Multi family) 2 Brick Breakers 2031 1919
2 12704 Harvard Avenue Cleveland Cuyahoga County OH 44105 Easy Cleveland LLC Residential (Single family) 2 Brick Breakers 1190 1924
Property managers
Company Name Address City State ZIP Phone No. Contact Name Email Address
KeyMeek Property Mangement 8191 Broadview Road #3 Broadview Heights OH 44147 216-394-5142 Shemika Jackson
Hazard & liability options

You’ve chosen to pay these costs: Annual

You’d like cover to start When payment is received

No. Address Property Man. Occupancy Deductible Sum Ins Hazard Cost GL Cost Admin Fee Total
1 988 Nathaniel Road KeyMeek Property Mangement Occupied $7,500/$10,000 : Prog 2 $91395 $564.82 $123.60 $130.00 $818.42
2 12704 Harvard Avenue KeyMeek Property Mangement Vacant $7,500/$10,000 : Prog 2 $53550 $330.94 $123.60 $130.00 $584.54


Total regular payment $1402.96
One time setup fee $50.00
Total initial cost $1452.96
Previous claims

Have any of the properties included in this application suffered any loss that may have resulted in a claim during the last 12 months?


Claim details (if above is yes)

Optional extras

Would you like to sign up for Legal Advice Helpline?

No. I do not want this option.

You’ve indicated that you’d like more information about the following services
Resident Agent Services Accounting Services
Payment options

You have chosen to pay Annual by ACH – Payment collected automatically from your US bank account. No additional fees. There will be a one time payment of $1452.96, followed by regular Annual payments of $1402.96.

You’ve also said you’d like cover to start When payment is received