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Send application for approval

You’ll need to register a new account for your client to be able to approve their application. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll send an email to your client with a link to log in, view & approve their application.

Send application

Buildings insurance: Send application for approval (for introducer)
Who are you sending this application to *
How do you want to send the application?
If you chose “By email as PDF”, it must be returned to you for final processing and submission
Add a new client or select an existing one?

How to email application as a PDF

You’ll need to view a summary of the application. Click to view and print summary (opens in new window).

Print the application, using the “Save as PDF” option – more instructions are available on the summary page.

Select existing client

Add a new client

Only lower case letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) are allowed.
Enter Email
Confirm Email